Make your office healthier fast.
If you care about your health at all, I don’t need to tell you again why you need to at least TRY standing at work (1,2,3,4,5).
The question isn’t whether you should try a standing desk, it’s HOW you should do it.
I’ve made it into 3 super simple steps, so this will be short. Which means you’re about 10 minutes from being set up.
So there’s no excuse not to start treating your body right, right this second.
Step 1 – Grab Cardboard Boxes and Make a Standing Desk
Are you going to work at a cardboard desk forever? Probably not. But it’s an easy way to get standing in the next few minutes, for FREE. Check out this standing desk calculator to get the proper dimensions for your desk, then start piling boxes / books / whatever.
Seriously, it doesn’t cost a penny and it will take you less than 10 minutes. Do it right now!
Step 2 – Get the One Standing Desk Accessory that Delivers a HUGE Benefit
You just made your cardboard standing desk. Now you’ve turned your working hours from a detriment to your health to a health benefit. Congratulations!
You also saved ~$700 by making your own desk while you experiment with how standing works for you.
Now, you can just stand on flat ground, but I recommend you use a tiny fraction of that money you saved to invest in the single best standing desk accessory: The Topo Mat.
We’ve covered Topo before, but all you need to know is that, in standing desks, Topo is the new standard. Here at QS, we firmly believe that Topo should be under the desk of every single stander.
Why? Because when it comes to standing, movement is the key benefit. And without you even having to think about it, Topo delivers that benefit. Because the cushioned terrain actually drives you to move.
The only decision you need to make is which of the 5 awesome colors to order. Which color will you pick?
Step 3 – Let Us Plan Your Transition
You don’t need to think about what to do. Let someone else handle that.
In fact, we already did! Just check out the Sit-Stand Transition Plan.
Even easier, just enter your email address in the form below and we’ll send you what you need to hear at the exact time you need to hear it. So you can just wait for email instructions and get your standing started right now.
3 Steps to Improving Your Office Health Right NOW
- Stack cardboard boxes to make your desk. (Calculator here)
- Grab a Topo with a tiny fraction of the money your cardboard desk saved you.
- Check out the Sit-Stand Transition Plan
Super Easy Bonus Step
You can’t score any QuittingSitting points without building your own desk right now. Grabbing Topo ups your score big time. For some bonus points, check out the Best Vertical Mouse around (it will change your life, seriously).